Rights, Responsibilities, and Self Advocacy 

Rights and Responsibilities

Everyone has rights and responsibilities. The Lanterman Act is a California law that promises services and supports to people with developmental disabilities and their families. 

What is a Right?

Under the law, every individual has the same rights. The Lanterman Act outlines the following rights:

  • You have the right to dignity and humane care.

  • You have a right to privacy.

  • You have a right to participate in an appropriate program of public education.

  • You have a right to prompt medical care and treatment.

  • You have a right to religious freedom and practice. 

  • You have a right to social interaction and participation in community activities. 

  • You have a right to physical exercise and recreation.

  • You have a right to be free from harm.

  • You have a right to be free from hazardous procedures. 

  • You have a right to get services and support in the least restrictive environment. 

What is Responsibility?

Responsibilities are the duties that you must perform as you exercise your rights:

  • You have the responsibility to treat others with the same respect and care that you expect.

  • You have the responsibility to be an active and positive member of your community.

  • You have the responsibility to communicate honestly.

  • You have the responsibility to communicate with others if you or others are being treated with disrespect or are being abused. 

  • You have the responsibility to actively participate in and help develop your Individual Support Plan

  • You have the responsibility to follow all state and federal laws. 


Access to Success program will ensure all its participants are able to advocate for themselves, communicate effectively and take part in all of the decisions concerning your life such as:

  • Deciding whether you want to live alone or with a roommate.

  • Deciding what to cook at meal time.

  • Deciding what clothes you want to buy and wear.

  • Deciding which social activities you want to attend. 

  • Deciding where you would like to work.

  • Deciding what community facilitator you want to work with.

  • Communicating to others how you are being treated. 

  • Communicating to others how you feel about your job.

  • Participating in decisions in your community.

  • Requesting a meeting or review if you feel that you are being treated unfairly.


Appeal Procedure:
